Thinking of applying for unemployment compensation in Pennsylvania?
You should apply for Pennsylvania unemployment compensation if:
- You recently lost work or had your hours reduced.
- You are a W2 worker or an app-based driver.
- You worked in Pennsylvania at some point in the last 18 months.
- The reason you stopped working is not your fault.
Apply today
What does applying online for benefits look like?
Go to
Click on "Sign In/Register."
If you have used the online portal before, login with the username and password you already have. Once you have logged in, click on “Menu” in the upper left hand corner, then click on “Unemployment Services,” and then “File a Claim.”
If you have not used the online portal before, you will need click on the button that says “Individual Registration” at the bottom of the login page and follow the instructions.
Verify your identity.
You are required to verify your identity using before you can continue to fill out and submit your application.
Answer some questions.
The application will ask you about:
Personal information and information about your last employer.
The reason you stopped working or why your hours were reduced.
If you are able and available for work.
How you want to get your UC benefit payments.
Complete your Work Registration.
You should complete your Work Registration once you finish filing your UC application. You will be disqualified from UC benefits if you do not do this within 30 days after submitting your application.
Start filing your claims.
You can file your claims every week or every two weeks.
Unemployment will send you letters about your eligibility.
To get unemployment benefits, you need to be:
Separation eligible (That you were not at fault for the loss of your most recent job.)
You will need to check the Message Center in your portal for these letters.
We strongly recommend setting your communication preference in your UC portal to “Internal Notification with Email Notification.”

You will receive a Notice of Financial Determination that finds you ineligible for benefits. This is because the government does not have a record of your earnings from app-based work.
You will need to appeal and provide proof of your earnings.